Countless for-profit companies donate to nonprofit organizations every day.
Explore this list of companies that donate to nonprofits through corporate giving programs and find out how your organization might be able to discover a new revenue stream for change!
National or Global Donation Opportunities for Nonprofits
The companies in this category offer donations and grants for nonprofit organizations on a national level. Eligibility is not restricted by region, except for requiring the receiving organization to be located in the company’s primary operating nation (in most cases, USA). Some of the opportunities listed are available in multiple or all countries.
Adobe is a creator of graphics and creativity software. While they do not accept unsolicited requests for donations, nonprofits can register with Benevity to sign up for Adobe’s Matching Grants program. The company will match employee donations of time, cash, and securities, and they offer grants to organizations where 10 employees volunteer together for three hours or more. Register with Benevity through their causes portal.
Amazon Web Services
The AWS Imagine Grant is a program established by Amazon to promote nonprofits using cloud technology in innovative ways. The program is split into two different awards: one focusing on modernization and digital transformation, and the other on scalable, industry-changing projects. Visit their site for more information and to sign up to be notified when the next application cycle opens.
American Electric Power
The American Electric Power Foundation provides grants to nonprofits who focus on STEM education, hunger and housing relief, and community and environmental care. Nonprofits must either be national in scope or located in an AEP service area. To secure an invitation to the grant program, please contact your local AEP operation company, as listed on their giving information page. This page also includes information on charitable contributions, which are also open to nonprofits within their service areas.
In association with the Women’s Sports Foundation, Athleta hosts the Power of She Fund, which offers grants to organizations focusing on girls’ and women’s sports. The Move Together grant supports organizations that foster a multigenerational connection in women’s sports communities, and 2021’s grant window will be open until May 28. The Wellness for All grant is for programs that improve inclusivity and accessibility for female BIPOC communities. Its 2021 application window runs from June 7 to August 9.
Bank of America
Bank of America issues charitable grants throughout the year, funding for different giving categories on a rotating basis. The next grant window runs from May 31 – June 25, 2021, and will focus on community-based economic mobility, which includes affordable housing, small business development, and neighborhood revitalization. Visit their charitable foundation page to apply or see updated grant windows.
Ben and Jerry’s
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation is the charitable arm of the ice cream and frozen yogurt manufacturer. They offer grants on both a national level and a state level in their home state of Vermont. The national grant program is directed toward grassroots organizations across the country, and has a list of community-focused and developmental strategies that applicants should demonstrate. The Vermont-based grants support social and economic justice, hunger and housing relief, and other community efforts. Visit their site to learn more about how to apply for these grant programs.
The Cisco Foundation offers a number of grants and donation opportunities for nonprofits. Through the Product Grant program, they donate networking technology to organizations as a way of improving efficiency and infrastructure. Global Impact Cash Grants are available for organizations serving economically underserved populations with regards to education, economic empowerment, and critical human needs. They also provide community-focused grants specifically for the Bay Area near San Jose, California. Visit their site to find out how to apply for grants.
Clif Bar
The Clif Family Foundation provides grants for organizations that work toward at least two of their target issues: equitable community health outcomes, safeguarding the environment, and strengthening the national food system. Apply for grants here. Community-oriented events can also sign up for sponsorship and product donations through the Goody Bag program.
The Coca-Cola Foundation supports nonprofits through financial grants, sponsorship opportunities, and product donations. Eligible organizations should have 501(c)3 status if based in the US, or equivalent charitable status in their own country if based abroad. All requests for support must go through their online application system.
Charitable 501(c)3 organizations (or international equivalents) can submit grant applications for efforts relating to ConocoPhillips’ signature programs for math education and habitat conservation. Visit their site for eligibility requirements and to apply for a grant.
The Walt Disney Company has a few different ways they show support for NPOs. For over 25 years, they have provided grants for environmentally-focused nonprofit organizations through the Disney Conservation Fund, which accepts applications in the fall. They also donate tickets for Disney parks to volunteer events held by nonprofits, for use in fundraising events or as rewards for volunteers. This program is currently on hiatus, but you can check their site to see when the program resumes.
Dunkin’ Donuts
Dunkin’ Donuts, maker of both donuts and coffee for dunkin’ them in, promotes hunger relief in more than just their coffee shops. The Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation offers hunger relief grants to food banks, food pantries, grocery delivery programs, community gardens, backpack programs, and other food-based nonprofit initiatives. Visit their site to learn more and apply for a hunger relief grant.
From its origins as an online auction site, eBay has grown to a booming e-commerce retailer with billions of dollars in revenue. And they have a number of ways users can support their favorite charities. Sellers can opt for a percentage of their sales to go toward a charity of their choosing, and buyers can add charitable donations to each purchase they make. By registering as an official eBay charity, you can make your nonprofit organization easier for donors to find. Don’t wait until the last second: register your organization today.
Ford Motor Company
The Ford Motor Company Fund has an annual grant program supporting nonprofits which work in any of their three focus areas: education, community life, and safe driving. When selecting grantees, they prioritize organizations that actively promote diversity and inclusion. Learn more about the program and apply for grants on their site.
GE Foundation
Through the GE Foundation, General Electric employees can sign up to have the company provide a one-to-one match on their charitable donations, for up to $5,000 a year. Nonprofit organizations can register with the program to make it easier for employees to find them and donate. Political and religious organizations are not eligible for this program.
General Motors
As a multinational vehicle manufacturing company, it’s only natural that General Motors supports road and vehicle safety. In addition to this, their focus areas also include STEM education and community development. Eligible 501(c)3 organizations working in any of these areas can visit their site to submit grant proposals. They also offer regional grants to nonprofit organizations doing good in the Detroit area.
The Google Ad Grant is a resource Google provides to nonprofits which gives them $10,000 of in-kind advertising. This advertising helps organizations promote their nonprofit through ads which appear in Google searches. Our friends at Nonprofit Megaphone offer guidance on how your organization can acquire a Google Grant, and they can also help you design, run, and manage your ad campaign.
Home Depot
The Home Depot Foundation takes a constructive approach to giving back with their Community Impact Grants. These grants award up to $5,000 to nonprofits which provide housing modifications and repairs for vulnerable populations. They have a particular focus on projects benefiting veterans, which can also be seen in their Veteran Housing Grants, available for organizations developing new or improved housing for vets. Learn more and apply through the company’s grants page.
The American Honda Foundation supports the efforts of nonprofits working for youth education (STEM education in particular), literacy, job training, and environmental issues. Charitable 501(c)3 organizations and schools are eligible to apply for grants. There are two windows for grant requests from new organizations, with submission deadlines of Feb. 1 and Aug. 1, respectively. Returning organizations should submit their grant renewal request by May 1.
The Intel Foundation makes charitable donations in the areas of social justice, Covid-19 relief, and disaster relief. While they do not accept unsolicited proposals, nonprofits are welcome to contact them by email with information about their programs, and Intel may extend an invitation to partner with them. NPOs can also register with Benevity to allow for employee gift matching and volunteer matching grants from Intel.
Toy manufacturer JAKKS Pacific operates a charitable arm of the company called JAKKS Cares. Through this program, they supply toys and other resources to nonprofit organizations that benefit underprivileged children and humane-focused animal-related charities. If your organization fits into one of those categories, visit their site to submit a donation request.
The airline JetBlue focuses its philanthropy on youth, education, community, and environment. They provide in-kind donations in the form of points that can be used to purchase tickets for air travel. Their site offers further details on how to apply for in-kind airfare donations.
Johnson & Johnson Vision
Every nonprofit needs a sense of vision. But if you also work to treat vision, your organization may be eligible for a donation from Johnson and Johnson Vision. They make cash contributions to NPOs that promote eye health and provide access to eyecare. They also provide surgical supplies for cataract procedures to physicians who take part in overseas medical missions. Apply for support on their website.
The LEGO brand has grown beyond the bounds of a toy company, bringing their sense of creativity and fun to film, television, and video games. They seek to foster that same creativity in future generations through charitable donations to initiatives that promote children’s play and learning. Their contact page includes information on how to request LEGO product donations for your organization.
The Marathon Petroleum Foundation is the oil company’s philanthropic wing, where they focus on the core areas of STEM education, public safety, and environmental conservation and sustainability. Eligible organizations must be classified as 501(c)3 entities and cannot be political or religious in nature. Check out their website to begin the application process.
Marriott International seeks to direct its charitable giving to causes that sustain responsible operations, advance human rights and inclusivity, ensure workplace readiness and opportunity, and nurture children and communities. They do not consider unsolicited requests for financial donations, but nonprofit organizations can request in-kind donations of points toward hotel stays through their giving portal.
Through their Tech for Social Impact program, Microsoft provides technology grants and software donations to nonprofit organizations around the world. Learn more and register on their Getting Started page for nonprofits. Through their nonprofit hub, you will also have access to discounts on several of their cloud-based software programs. Learn more about this and many other discounts that nonprofit organizations can take advantage of on our Giant Nonprofit Savings List.
Office Depot
In association with Feed the Children, Office Depot runs a product donation program that connects students with the education supplies and resources that prepare them to get the most out of their education. If your organization is focused on educational preparedness or otherwise helps developing youth, click here to learn more about the program and apply for product donations.
Organic Valley
Organic Valley is a national farming cooperative specializing in dairy products. Through their Power of We giving portal, they offer financial and product donations, sponsorship opportunities, and grants. Grants go toward nonprofits and research institutions engaging in research projects relating to organic farming and organic soil health. Visit their site to learn more about their grant program.
Patagonia makes outdoor clothing and gear, and they also make donations to organizations that support the environment. They offer retail grants to local NPOs around their stores, media grants for organizations strategically using media, corporate grants for nationally-focused programs in the US and Canada, and international grants in 20 other countries. Most grants are by invitation only, but organizations can apply to international grants through the respective country portals. Learn more about their funding on their website.
Through their charitable foundation, PepsiCo donates millions of dollars in funding and product donation to causes in the US and abroad. They primarily work with established partners, and so do not accept or respond to unsolicited requests for financial donation. Nonprofit organizations are, however, welcome to submit requests for product donations or sponsorships. Information on how to submit these requests is found on their contact page.
Sony offers financial grants, in-kind donations, and partnerships to nonprofit organizations that share their focus areas: education, arts and culture, civic and community outreach, environment, and disaster relief. Financial grants are primarily reserved for the first two categories. NPOs are encouraged to submit requests for support at any time of the year. Information on how to apply is included in their giving guidelines.
Spirit Airlines
Spirit Airlines supports nonprofit organizations with charitable in-kind donations. They prefer to focus their efforts on organizations that work with health/medical-related concerns, education, and military efforts. Learn more on their site about how your organization can apply for donations.
State Farm Insurance
State Farm provides donations to nonprofit organizations in the form of their Good Neighbor Citizenship grants. These are available to 501(c)3, 501(c)4, and 501(c)6 organizations, but they exclude programs that are religious or political in nature. Potential grant applications include: driver safety, disaster recovery, K-12 education, job training, housing relief, and neighborhood revitalization. The application window is currently closed, but check back here in the fall to apply.
The Target Foundation offers a few different grant opportunities for you to take aim at. If you operate in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, you could try for a hometown focus grant. More broadly, US organizations are eligible for their national focus grants, and they have global focus grants for international organizations as well. Learn more, including where to apply, through their Grants FAQ.
Uncommon Goods
Uncommon Goods is a Brooklyn-based creator of gifts, accessories, and decorations. Through their Better to Give partnerships, they give a portion of every sale they make to charitable organizations. They like to support lesser-known charities, which receive fewer donations in general. Their support center has information on how to contact Uncommon Goods to request donations.
Region-Specific Donation Opportunities for Nonprofits
The companies in this category have restricted eligibility for donations or grants based on location. In many cases, an eligible organization must be in a community where the donor company has an operating location. In others, eligibility is limited to specific states, counties, or cities.
AEO Foundation
The AEO Foundation–clothing company American Eagle’s charitable department–provides funding to nonprofits in or near: Pittsburgh and Hazleton, PA; New York City, NY; Ottawa, KS; San Francisco, CA; and Mississauga, Ontario. Their focus areas are youth empowerment and education, environmental conservation, and young women’s health issues. Eligible organizations are welcome to peruse their grant guidelines and register through their grant application portal.
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines supports nonprofit organizations that work in the communities where they operate. Their corporate giving is focused on career opportunities for youth, diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability, and socioeconomic mobility. They also offer LIFT grants for youth-centric programs near their facilities in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Learn how to apply on their social responsibility hub.
Albertsons, a grocery chain prevalent in the western United States, runs a Nourishing Neighbors campaign to combat hunger in the areas where they operate. Nonprofit organizations that work for hunger relief in an Albertsons community can learn more details about the program and apply for funding on their grant page.
American Airlines
American Airlines makes in-kind airfare donations and financial contributions to nonprofit organizations in their operating regions that focus on children, communities, and military service members. Eligible nonprofits must be located in or around one of the following cities: Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Tulsa, or Washington, D.C. Learn more on their site and apply for support.
Amy’s Kitchen
Amy’s Kitchen is a certified B-corporation that manufactures organic food, including many vegan and gluten-free offerings. They have a strong impact in the communities where they are located, making donations to food banks and supporting programs for racial justice, disaster relief, and agriculture. Learn how to submit a request on their donations page.
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble offers fundraising opportunities, sponsorships, and donations to organizations that align with their giving priorities. Their particular focus is toward art-, literacy-, and education-centric nonprofit organizations. Donations and fundraising events are managed through individual stores. You can find the nearest B&N location through their charitable donations page.
Big Lots
The Big Lots Foundation provides financial, gift card, and in-kind donations to nonprofits in Columbus, Ohio, and areas where they have stores or distribution centers. They accept donation requests for NPOs working in the fields of hunger relief, healthcare, housing, and education. They have two annual grant application deadlines, at the beginning of January and July. Visit their site to submit your donation request.
BMW Group, manufacturer of Sports Activity Vehicles, is open to requests for sponsorship. To be eligible, a nonprofit must be a registered 501(c)3 or 501(c)6 organization, and must be located in South Carolina. You can submit a sponsorship request through their website.
The Boeing Company issues grants to charitable and educational organizations through their Employees’ Community Fund. These grants are open to organizations near Boeing facilities in 15 different states. Learn more about these grants here.
With the Hugs for Heroes program, Build-A-Bear provides in-kind toy donations to organizations helping children in a number of different ways: hunger relief, emotional health programs, emergency disaster relief, foster care support, and more. Eligible organizations must be within 50 miles of a Build-A-Bear Workshop store in the US, Canada, or the UK. Visit their site to submit a donation request (currently closed).
Burger King
The franchisee Quality Dining, Inc. offers in-kind donations of food, coupons, and gift cards to organizations near the Burger King restaurants they operate. Nonprofit organizations near participating locations across Indiana, Michigan, and Florida are welcome to submit donation requests through their online donation form.
Casey’s General Store
Casey’s makes donations to nonprofit organizations in the areas served by their stores. They prioritize funding toward their focus areas: education, hunger, and community servants (which includes veterans, first responders, and healthcare employees). Eligible 501(c)3 organizations can apply through their donation requests page.
Chesapeake Energy
Chesapeake Energy offers financial and in-kind donations of services or resources to schools and 501(c)3 organizations in the areas where they provide power. They support causes benefiting STEM education, the environment, emergency and disaster response, and community development. If your organization works in one of the counties they service across Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wyoming, learn how you can submit a request for donations. Requests are reviewed at the beginning of February, May, and August.
Chevron Canada
Chevron Canada offers grants to nonprofits in British Columbia, Alberta, Newfoundland, and Labrador in the areas of education and training, health, and community capacity-building. Registered nonprofits and charitable organizations should apply online here.
Costco supports nonprofits in two different ways: larger organizations with a broader base of operations can apply for financial grants, while smaller, local causes may be eligible for product donations from one of Costco’s warehouses. Eligible organizations must be focused on supporting children, education, or health/human services, and must be geographically near a Costco warehouse location. Additional information on charitable contributions is located on their FAQ page.
Cracker Barrel
The Cracker Barrel Foundation provides funding to nonprofits that support the US armed forces, both veterans and active service members. NPOs that align with their philanthropic principles can apply for financial grants or in-kind donations on their giving page.
Crayola promotes schools and local nonprofit organizations that support creativity and provide opportunities for artistic growth for children. The bulk of their contributions are made to organizations in Lehigh and Northampton counties in Pennsylvania, and Phillipsburg/Warren County in New Jersey. Eligible organizations can apply for product donations and Art in Education grants on the Crayola Cares page.
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Local sports teams and leagues in an area with a Dick’s Sporting Goods location can apply for sponsorships and in-kind product donations. Registered 501(c)3 organizations can also apply for a cash grant from the DSG Foundation, to be used to foster youth sports. Further info is available on the foundation’s Sports Matter hub.
Dominion Energy
Dominion Energy provides electricity to service regions across 14 states. Their charitable foundation gives grants to nonprofit organizations in those regions which work in any of their four focus areas: education, environment, human needs, and community vitality. Religious and political organizations are not eligible. See the counties covered by Dominion Energy and complete a grant eligibility quiz on their site.
Duke Energy
The Duke Energy Foundation funds grants for a varied selection of focus areas in the communities they service. On a rotating cycle, they offer grants for K-12 education (Nov. 15 – Jan. 31), workforce training (Feb. 1 – Apr. 30), and nature and wildlife preservation (May 1 – Jul. 31). They also offer year-round local impact grants and annual state strategic impact grants for North and South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, though availability varies by state each year. Their grant resources page gives more info on how to apply.
Frontier Airlines
Frontier Airlines provides airline vouchers to nonprofit organizations for use in fundraising events. These vouchers can be used for auctions, raffles, or to fly in talent or staff for the event. In addition, the company is also open to event sponsorships in the form of cash or ticket donations. This is open to registered 501(c)3 organizations hosting events in cities that Frontier serves. Visit their website to submit a charitable request.
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs hosts a grant program for nonprofits in New York City, Hudson and Essex counties in New Jersey, and Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele Counties in Utah. These Community Development Grants are meant to support efforts to provide affordable housing, educational services, small business development, and neighborhood revitalization for areas with low to moderate incomes. The next window for application will be at some point in 2021.
Intercontinental Hotel Group
The Intercontinental Hotel Group makes charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations in the regions around its hotels. Programs must be aligned with their values and code of conduct policy. They do not support programs for religious organizations or political donations. Visit their site to apply for charitable donations.
Keurig Dr Pepper
KDP, manufacturer of coffee, sodas, juices, and other beverages, makes product and financial donations to nonprofit organizations doing good work in the communities where they operate and source ingredients. Religious and political programs are not eligible for donations. NPOs that meet their requirements can visit KDP’s site to apply for donations.
The Zero Hunger/Zero Waste Foundation is how Kroger gives back to the communities where they do business. They ally with nonprofit partners to support hunger relief efforts across the nation. NPOs they work with provide meals for underprivileged students, provide transportation for food banks, and operate mobile pantry programs. Interested organizations with food-based initiatives can apply for a support grant here. They also host an innovation fund to encourage new developments that prevent food waste and improve food security and distribution.
The Nike Community Impact Fund provides grants to local sports-focused nonprofits in the following cities: Brooklyn, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, New Orleans, Portland, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. In addition, their Mid-South Grants program focuses on underserved communities in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Apply for grants on Nike’s website.
The primary ways that Nissan supports nonprofit organizations are through the Nissan Foundation and Nissan Neighbors. Nissan Neighbors provides financial and in-kind donations to NPOs working for education, the environment, and humanitarian aid. Eligible organizations must serve communities in southern California, middle Tennessee, central Mississippi, Dallas/Fort Worth, or Detroit. The foundation offers grants to nonprofits in areas near their affiliate locations; both those listed above, and those in New York and Atlanta. The grant window is currently closed. Learn more about both programs on their community relations page.
Nordstrom donates 1% of all gift card sales and refills to charitable organizations in the communities where they operate. To apply for a grant, NPOs in these regions should submit an application during the grant window, which runs from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1. Programs supporting youth-focused initiatives will take a priority in funding consideration. Additional info can be found on Nordstrom’s corporate grantmaking page.
Panera supports local hunger relief organizations through their Day-End Dough-Nation program. Through this program, unsold bread and baked goods are packaged and donated to local food banks and charities. They will also provide gift certificates and baked goods as items for fundraising events, such as auctions. To apply for either of these donations, visit their community giving page.
The grocery chain Publix supports nonprofit organizations in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Virginia. This support can take the form of financial donations, gift cards, sponsorships, giveaways, and program advertising. They prefer to contribute to organizations that deal with homelessness, hunger relief, education, and youth issues. Learn more from their site, or go straight to the charitable donations page to register a donation request.
SeaWorld’s community outreach program provides ticket donations to nonprofit organizations located in Florida that focus on children, education, and the environment. 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations should submit donation requests at least 60 days before the date of the event at which the tickets will be required. Apply for ticket donations here.
State Street
Through the State Street Foundation, the financial services corporation offers nonprofit grants in three categories: education, employment, and credentials. Eligible nonprofits should provide support to underprivileged teens or adults, and be located in an area where State Street has a business presence. Learn more and apply through their social consciousness page.
Tillamook County Creamery Association
The Tillamook County Creamery Association donates 4 percent of their profits to programs that support their home communities. Their key focus areas are agriculture, food security, and children’s health. Nonprofit organizations in Tillamook, Portland, Broadman, and more generally, the Pacific Northwest region, can submit requests for financial and product contributions through their donation form.
Toyota 4Good is a grant program for nonprofit programs that support workforce readiness, inclusive mobility, financial inclusion, environmental sustainability, and driving safety. Currently these grants are only available to organizations in states with Toyota manufacturing plants: Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Their program guidelines will walk you through the steps to apply for a grant.
Universal Orlando provides ticket donations that may be used in fundraising events for nonprofit organizations working in the state of Florida. Political and religious organizations are not eligible. Visit their website to learn more and apply for ticket donations. Universal Studios Hollywood runs a similar ticket donation program for organizations in Los Angeles County, CA, which you can apply for here.
The Valero Energy Foundation offers grants to organizations working toward human needs, healthcare, education, and civic and environmental concerns. 501(c)3 charitable organizations working in areas where they have facilities can apply for a Valero Energy Foundation Grant on their philanthropy page.
The Verizon Foundation gives grants for digital inclusion, climate protection, and human prosperity. Political and religious organizations may not be eligible. Although Verizon grant applications are by invitation only, nonprofit organizations can contact their local Verizon community relations manager to confirm eligibility and request an invitation. You can search for the nearest manager on their grant requirements page.
Walmart Inc. provides funding to small nonprofits through local community grants. These grants range from $250 to $5000, and are only open to organizations working on a local level in the vicinity of a Walmart or Sam’s Club location. 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 charities, schools, and churches can all apply for local community grants through their website.
Wells Fargo
The Wells Fargo wagon may not be coming down the street any more, but the banking corporation still has a community presence in the form of local grants. Their focus areas for funding are financial health, housing affordability, small business growth, environmental justice and sustainability. Registered nonprofits, tribal entities, and public schools are invited to apply through their grants page.
Whole Foods
Whole Foods makes quarterly contributions to 501(c)3 organizations in the US, as well as organizations with equivalent status in Canada and the UK. These organizations should be located near Whole Foods stores and have missions that align with their core values. Learn more about eligibility and how to apply on their donations information page.
Interested in applying for these donations and more reach out to us directly.